Anamorphic Sculptures by Jonty Hurwitz

A reflection of true artistry – Sculptures by Jonty Hurwitz
Combining science and art into one cohesive piece is a feat unattained by many. London-based Jonty Hurwitz managed to bridge that gap, and that fact is best represented by his anamorphic sculptures, which reflect his true artistry in more ways than one.

Not your ordinary sculptures.
What makes these sculptures so worthy of note and much attention? Well, for starters, they are stunning in their own right. The sculptures are crafted beautifully, and there is no denying that the hands that created them truly have that artistic gift. However, the true beauty of these sculptures appear when they are seen in a reflection through a mirror or a piece of glass. There, you will see how he has managed to incorporate mathematical precision into each piece so that, when viewed against a reflective cylinder, the objects come into full focus, highlighting the pieces in all their artistic glory.

Focus is obtained when placed next to a reflective cylinder.

They’re anamorphic, and they are downright stunning.
The process is also scientific. Precision is achieved by making use of π algorithms. For that, he needs to work with the computer. The process begins with him taking a 3D object he plans to sculpt, scanning it, and then distorting it using the algorithms in a computer.

3D object is scanned then distorted using π algorithms.

A closer look at the reflected sculpture.

Great precision and detail.
The materials he works with when it comes to crafting the sculptures include steel, perspex, resin or copper. they are carefully sculpted so that each detail would enable the piece to hold its own, but appear more detailed when put into focus via a reflective surface – this time, a cylindrical reflective surface.

Great attention to detail.

Use a reflective surface to highlight the piece’s genius.
Hurwitz has lovingly crafted the Binge Thinking Collection, which he refers to as a collective representation of his personality as a person and as an artist who is not afraid to live his life to the fullest and reexamine it every step of what would otherwise have been an arduous journey, if not for his passion for learning and living, and doing both at the same time.

From each seemingly random piece….

…is reflected a cohesive work of art. That is Hurwitz’s gift.